Fragrance Oil Blending Chart for Candles – Creating Harmonious Aromas

Do you know how scented candles get their aromas? Candles have always held a special place in our lives, bringing warmth, ambiance, and delightful scents to any space. But when it comes to creating candles, one crucial aspect to consider is the fragrance oil blend. The right combination of fragrance oils can elevate your candle-making experience, captivating your senses and the people around you. This article will explore a fragrance oil blending chart for candles that will help you create captivating and harmonious aromas.

Understanding Fragrance Notes

Fragrance notes are the individual scents that make up a fragrance. They can be categorized into three main types: top notes, middle notes, and base notes. Top notes are the initial scents you perceive when smelling a candle, while middle notes emerge shortly after and provide the fragrance’s heart. Base notes are the deeper, long-lasting scents that linger after burning the candle.

Fragrance Families: Aromatic Profiles

Fragrance families help classify scents based on their predominant aromatic profiles. Understanding these families can assist in creating well-balanced fragrance blends. Let’s explore some common fragrance families:


Citrus fragrances are invigorating and refreshing, often featuring notes of lemon, orange, or grapefruit. They are perfect for creating vibrant and uplifting candles.


Floral fragrances encompass a wide range of scents, from delicate and romantic to bold and exotic. Roses, lavender, and jasmine are popular floral notes that add elegance and beauty to candles.


Woody fragrances evoke a sense of warmth and coziness. Cedarwood, sandalwood, and patchouli are commonly used in candles, offering a comforting and grounding experience.


Oriental fragrances are rich, exotic, and alluring. Vanilla, amber, and spices like cinnamon and clove create captivating and sensual candleOpens in a new tab. aromas.


Fresh fragrances capture the essence of nature, bringing the outdoors inside. Crisp scents like cucumber, mint, and sea breeze create an invigorating atmosphere.

Fragrance Oil Blending Chart

Now that we understand fragrance notes and families let’s delve into the fragrance oil blending chart for candles. This chart will guide you in creating captivating fragrance blends.

Here is the fragrance oil blending chart for candles presented in a table format:

Fragrance FamiliesSuggested Blending Ratios
Floral40% – 60%
Fruity20% – 40%
Citrus10% – 30%
Woody10% – 30%
Spicy10% – 30%
Herbal10% – 30%
Sweet20% – 40%
Fresh10% – 30%

Blending Basics

When blending fragrance oils, it’s important to consider the balance between top, middle, and base notes. Start by selecting oils from different fragrance families to achieve a well-rounded aroma. Experiment with varying ratios to find your desired scent strength.

Creating Balanced Combinations

To create balanced combinations, follow these guidelines:

  • Combine top, middle, and base notes in a ratio of 30:50:20, respectively.
  • Experiment with different combinations to find unique and captivating aromas.
  • Consider the intensity of each fragrance note to ensure a harmonious blend.

Example Blends

Here are a few example fragrance oil blends to inspire your candle-making journey:

  • Sunset Serenity: Bergamot (top note), Rose (middle note), Sandalwood (base note)
  • Citrus Dream: Lemon (top note), Jasmine (middle note), Vetiver (base note)
  • Enchanted Forest: Pine Needle (top note), Lavender (middle note), Vanilla (base note)

Candle-Making Tips for Optimal Scent Performance

To enhance the scent performance of your candles, keep the following tips in mind:

Quality of Fragrance Oils

Choose high-quality fragrance oils specifically formulated for candle-making. Ensure they are suitable for your candle waxOpens in a new tab. and provide an excellent scent throw.

Proper Measurement and Testing

Accurate measurement of fragrance oils is crucial for consistent results. Use a scale to measure the oils precisely. Additionally, always conduct test burns to evaluate your candles’ scent strength and performance.

The Importance of Candle Wax

The type of candle waxOpens in a new tab. you use can impact the scent throw. Some waxes have better scent retention than others. Experiment with different wax types to find the one that complements your fragrance blends.

Storing and Preserving Fragrance Oils

To maintain the quality of your fragrance oils, follow these storage and preservation tips:

  • Store fragrance oils in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep them tightly sealed to prevent airOpens in a new tab. exposure and maintain their potency.
  • Avoid storing fragrance oils near heat sources or fluctuations in temperature.


Creating captivating candle aromas is an artOpens in a new tab. that can be mastered with the right fragrance oil blends. By understanding fragrance notes, exploring different families, and using the fragrance oil blending chart, you can craft harmonious scents that will delight your senses and those of others. Remember to experiment, test, and let your creativity guide you as you embark on your candle-making journey.


Can I mix different fragrance families in a single candle?

Yes, blending different fragrance families can lead to unique and captivating scents. Just ensure they harmonize well together.

Can I adjust the ratio of top, middle, and base notes in the fragrance oil blend?

Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with the ratios to customize the scent strength and balance according to your preferences.

Are there any fragrance oils I should avoid using together?

While no hard and fast rules exist, certain fragrance oils may not blend well together. It’s best to conduct small test batches to ensure compatibility.

How long should I let my candles cure before testing the scent?

Curing time can vary depending on the type of wax and fragrance oils used. Generally, allowing your candles to cure for at least 48 hours will provide a better scent throw.

Can I use essential oils instead of fragrance oils for candle-making?

Yes, essential oils can be used for candle-making. However, they require specific considerations, such as flashpoint and scent retention, and may have a more subtle scent throw compared to fragrance oils.


Charles is a freelance writer whose areas of expertise include home renovation, gardening, and design. A graduate with a degree in Digital Marketing and Business Management. Charles is currently a freelance writer. Charles is always typing away on his laptop or tackling his newest home improvement project. He likes to spend quality time with his family, riding, and working out at the gym.

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